blog #123 Wings on Fire

artist unknown – please contact for credit or removal

how does one know when they’re healed? probably not by sticking ones hand in the fire and not expecting to get burnt? yeah, dumb move on my part. mistakenly giving someone credit for their own counselling but realising that they’ve manipulated the system by swotting up in pro text books, talking to others with similar MH issues and then piecing together a great backstory that will provide a better victim narrative for placing themselves into a pivotal position for a lifetime ‘get out of jail free’ card. The irony of a game of chance and calculated dice throwing to land in the strongest position.

We can never win against loaded dice/die or a marked hand of cards. I’m the idiot thinking someone had started to show a change in character, my mistake, that game of manipulation shifted with some newly learned phrases and responses.

If we never understand our mistakes and unreasonable behaviour, how will we ever evolve and grow? How can we learn to be better people if we continue along our delusional paths of ignorance and always maintain someone else is to blame? Non fault insurance policies only apply to vehicles. not people.

Accountability, acceptance of error and responsibility seems so alien to many.

Never acknowledging WHAT we did is the first step to understanding WHY we did those things. Without accepting the difference between right and wrong, good and bad, consenting from coercion to non verbalised non consent – we simply learn that, for many, humanity has clearly collapsed

SwirlingFire 17 October 2022